
Senior Manager Healthcare

Aileen van der Neut

Aileen van der Neut

Aileen is a Senior Manager within Boer & Croon's Healthcare Solution. She started her career at UMC Groningen as a management trainee and then set up various regional collaboration programmes for the Board of Directors. During her 6 years' experience at UMC Groningen and 3 years' experience at Boer & Croon, she has held roles as board advisor and secretary, programme manager, and manager of operations.

Her focus at Boer & Croon is guiding significant transformations in healthcare, particularly in strategy, profitability enhancement, regional cooperation, and operations. Aileen is also a sparring partner for managers and directors of healthcare organisations in making their challenges and requests for help concrete. She also completed supervisory training at Blikverruimers.

Besides being an avid traveller, Aileen is very sporty. You can regularly find her on the tennis court, but running makes her even happier. She has the Rotterdam and New York marathons behind her name and likes to dream about the next challenge.

Bachelor: European studies
Master: Communication sciences, health communication