

Healthcare is also a matter of course for future generations
Portret BC 36

Anoesjka van Aanholt

Get yourdone

Health Solutions

Our healthcare is considered one of the best in the world. But can we manage to keep it that way? Many obstacles threaten to make the current services unaffordable and unsustainable. Of course, we won't let that happen. Boer & Croon is helping the healthcare sector to reorder itself and remain resilient and healthy. Through efficiency with digitalisation, setting up regional partnerships and providing solutions for labour shortages. No unnecessary reports, but practical solutions. Time is pressing. We go for results with our professionals who have a heart for the business and together with the people in your organisation. So that we can remain proud of our healthcare system. We get it done!

Our services

The three pillars of Boer & Croon Healthcare's services

Transformation Management & Consultancy

We support the strategic agenda by providing transition or acceleration teams complementary to the client's organisation.

Interim Management

We temporarily strengthen leadership in healthcare organisations by placing interim managers, our own managers, and young executives.

Executive Search

We help organisations find new leaders with the right expertise, competencies and personality traits through our recruitment & selection subsidiary Vanderkruijs.

Transformation management & consultancy

We help healthcare organisations realise their strategic tasks and simplify complex issues. Our Healthcare team is ready to take up the challenge with your organisation. We not only offer brainpower, we also execute it.
Our clients are hospitals, primary care, mental health care, elderly care, care for the disabled and youth care. And we are an experienced partner for health insurers, industry associations, umbrella organisations and research institutes.

Optimal co-operation in the region

Vergaande regionale samenwerking tussen verschillende typen zorginstellingen, (semi)publieke en private partijen is noodzakelijk.

Far-reaching regional cooperation between different types of healthcare institutions, (semi)public and private parties is necessary. Portfolio choices and new organisational forms are needed to reshape patient flows. This puts traditional relationships and certainties under pressure. Boer & Croon takes care of genuine cooperation agreements and implementations resulting from the choices made. We turn regional plans into realisations with high-quality programme management, process supervision and stakeholder management.

Numerous realisation issues arise from the regional plans. Boer & Croon helps to make these transparent and implement them. Think of the shift of care, the implementation of e-health applications, care at home, joint capacity planning or personnel planning, or the standardisation and optimisation of care processes. But also the successful cooperation of organisations at all levels, from operational to managerial. Boer & Croon offers roles such as quartermaster , process supervisor, programme manager or project leader to make this succeed in practice. Our starting point is sharing ownership with all stakeholders. In this way, we build sustainable agreements that can be put into practice in the coming years.

Accelerating the digitalisation agenda

Digitisation contributes to accessible and high-quality care.

Digitalisation contributes to accessible and high-quality healthcare. The extreme tightness in the labour market is accelerating the need for this. At the same time, this holds great promise for the professional and the patient or client. Transmural digitalisation, in particular, can create a lot of value. Boer & Croon helps accelerate this development by applying proven solutions in practice.

Boer & Croon helps with various issues. We understand what the digital infrastructure at future healthcare organisations should look like and help set it up future-proof. Still, we also focus on digitising patient and business management processes. Consider implementing a patient portal, digitising the registration process, or diagnostics, lab and pharmacy processes. This also includes the implementation of e-health applications such as remote care. To make this work in practice, Boer & Croon offers roles as programme manager, project leader or advisor in the design of data and business architecture and implementation processes. Our starting point is sharing ownership with one's organisation. In this way, we ensure the continued success of digitisation and its optimal use in the organisation.

Strengthening the business case of institutions

A strong business case makes the organisation future-proof.

Strengthening healthcare organisations' business operations and financial position is necessary to create space during financial tightness. Margins in healthcare are traditionally tight and, after corona, even dire in many places. There needs to be more room for investment and innovation. Boer & Croon helps healthcare organisations achieve sustainable operations to make healthcare organisations financially future-proof.

In healthcare organisations, we often see several themes recurring: there is no link between steering on costs and benefits, we see increasingly higher prices due to, among other things, inflation and salary corrections to that inflation, and on the income side, tremendous pressure on revenues due to the increasing use of sound, innovative care that is often not reimbursed. Boer & Croon helps with providing insight into an organisation's cost structure and cost savings across the board. Think of organising procurement management personnel policy more efficiently, but also optimising and thus making operational processes cheaper. Digitalisation can be a powerful tool to save costs. Boer & Croon also assists in setting up strategies for steering on costs and benefits in the management cycle and strengthening revenues through, among other things, registration optimisation and acquiring pay titles for high-quality and innovative forms of care. We provide analysis, acceleration and implementation, with roles as business analyst, programme manager, project leader and consultant.

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BC Maart 14
Portretten medewerkers edit 2
Maartje HR zit 1
Portret BC 36
Sarah Looise lo zit 3
Charlotte HR zit 1
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Iris Lodder 2
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BC Portretten Januari 2023 compressed

Interim Management

We temporarily fill managerial positions and board and management roles as quickly as needed. We have a vast network of available interim candidates. Some highly experienced (interim) healthcare executives are also exclusively associated with Boer & Croon as associate partners.

More about the healthcare community

Executive Search

Boer & Croon has a long tradition of matching candidates for health and youth care organisations. We find the most suitable supervisors, directors and board members.

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Would you like to know more?

The responsible partners and director for healthcare are Anoesjka van Aanholt (Interim Management), Janneke van der Kruijs (Executive Search) and René de Backker (Transformation Management & Consultancy). Contact us for more information or an introductory meeting.

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