The community is characterized by its diverse and complementary experiences. Each of them offers a wealth of knowledge and experience, gained from several demanding (interim) positions. By pooling their strengths at Boer & Croon, they have created a valuable platform for sharing their knowledge and expertise and helping and strengthening each other. In addition, support is available from Boer & Croon's other areas of expertise where needed. This allows the members of the Healthcare community to not only fill a temporary position at your organisation, but they can also lead sustainable strategic change.
De diensten van de Healthcare community zijn gericht op het realiseren van duurzame veranderingen in zorgorganisaties. De leden hebben er bewust voor gekozen om hun talent en kennis op interim-basis in te zetten. Je kunt hen inhuren als tijdelijke vervanging van een directielid of als zwaargewicht in complexe (verander)processen binnen de zorg.
Provision of Services
The services of the Healthcare community are aimed at realising sustainable changes in healthcare organisations. The members have consciously chosen to put their talent and knowledge to work on an interim basis. You can hire them as a temporary replacement of a board member or as a heavyweight in complex (change) processes within healthcare.
"We take control from day one and achieve the desired reorganisation."
Our approach
Intake: During the intake, the scope of the transformation is discussed, as well as the mandate and composition of the Boer&Croon team.
Analysis and planning: First, an analysis is made of the market situation, the product portfolio, liquidity and the legal framework. The role of each stakeholder is clearly defined, and together with the client we look at what improvements are desirable and feasible. The objectives are then specified, such as performance improvements, restoration of trust and optimization of costs and benefits. The systems, processes and the quality of the employees are also reviewed to identify areas for improvement. The staffing requirements of both the client and Boer&Croon are determined. Finally, the objectives are placed in a timeline with descriptions of concrete results.
Duration: 2-6 weeks
Realization: The realization of the reorganization or transformation can take place from a statutory or program role. The planned action points are carried out and the client receives periodic financial, operational and program reports focused on the objectives to be achieved, milestones, liquidity and balance sheet positions. This includes full transparency on results and any bottlenecks. In this phase Boer&Croon also offers specialist support in areas such as HR, ICT, automation and in- and outsourcing.
Duration 6-18 months
Assurance: After the evaluation with the stakeholders, the transfer takes place. Very important in this last phase is that the transformation is sufficiently secured. Such a transformation in healthcare is only really successful if the people on site are involved as much as possible, so that it has a solid basis and does not shift when the external professionals have left. In most cases, this is supplemented by a training and development program.
Transformation director
Boer & Croon is regularly asked to deploy a transformation manager or director. This is a temporary role to support the board or management to have a transformation supervised by an experienced director. He or she is given a strong mandate and reports directly to supervisors, public administration, financiers and other stakeholders. Supported by proven methods, models and a solid network of experts, this director/CEO takes on various transformation tasks and acts as a sparring partner. This director/director has great problem-solving skills and will occupy himself almost exclusively with the transformation, so that the permanent directors can focus on the day-to-day business.