Integrating AI into business strategy
Artificial Intelligence
As of late, ChatGPT can write an essay on any topic within seconds. Enter a prompt on DALL-E to generate a hyper-realistic 'picture'. Ask Siri about the weather forecast, and you will get a spoken answer. All are examples of AI, and its quality is improving at an astonishing rate. In a year, we will undoubtedly be able to use AI for applications we hardly think possible today. This will give the technology new applications at a lightning pace for predicting certain business-critical events, such as a more efficient supply-chain design. In a way, this development is similar to the rise of the internet in the 1990s. Many organisations that embraced it too late have been overtaken by competition and innovative startups.
We follow AI developments closely, knowing what is possible today and what we can do with it next year. We guide organisations in implementing their digital strategy, looking at how AI can speed up business processes, become more productive and achieve higher customer satisfaction. This includes protocols on how AI can or cannot be deployed. We are supported by specialists within EPSA Netherlands, to which Boer & Croon also belongs. This not only looks at what suits the organisation and their customers but also considers the ethical implications of using this technology.
AI Act
We also help our clients comply with the AI Act, a European regulation that came into force in 2024. It was created to manage the risks associated with the introduction of autonomous AI systems. Drivers become responsible for deploying them safely and reliably. We offer special workshops for management and members of supervisory boards to introduce them to the world of AI and AI compliance.
Kennissessie; AI policy in a day

AI and our areas of expertise
Every challenge is unique. Please schedule an appointment with one of our specialists for a suitable solution.
Artificial Intelligence Community
Besides management solutions, Boer & Croon also has thematic communities, on which interdisciplinary issues are worked. Always with the same goal in mind: Get It Done!
- Johan Traa, partner Finance & Technology, is an expert in the field of digital strategy execution.
Within our unique network of associate partners are interim managers with experience and expertise in every conceivable area of digital transformation issues. In addition, EPSA Digital & Innovation offers valuable guidance throughout the transition, with expertise supporting your organisation in every facet of digital transformation.
- Han Gerrits, Lead Digital & Innovation, is an expert in AI and innovation.
Our approach
The secret of our solutions is cooperation—not just on paper but precisely in everyday practice, where uncertainty and complexity are present, and guts are needed to connect the energy market and the public transport sector. We really become part of the direction, design, and implementation teams. We will not leave until everyone in OV works on the energy transition solutions we have developed together.
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