

AI tegelafbeelding2

Integrating AI into business strategy

The development of AI has gained momentum in recent years. How can you best use it to improve your business processes? And how can you manage the risks of increasing dependence on AI? Due to AI's complex, non-transparent configuration, the same applies to the reliability of business controls. 

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Energie in het openbaar vervoer2

Energy in Public Transport

A source of opportunities for the future
Public transport is a major consumer of electricity, and it needs to be considered in all scenarios surrounding energy transition. It can be both a source and a solution to grid congestion, an issue with not only technological but also political-administrative components.

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ESG challenge

The impact of ESG

Towards sustainable business models

Companies are under pressure to maintain their market position while building a sustainable future. To do so, they will have to continuously invest in product development and innovative services.

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4 Toegankelijkheid van de zorg tegelafbeelding 2

A barrier-free healthcare sector

Working together for accessible care

Due to care demand growth, labour market shortages, digitisation issues and new medical technology, the pressure on healthcare to reorder itself is more significant than ever. Access to care is at stake. And healthcare employees demand a future vision with perspective.

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Energietransitie challenge

Driving the Energy Transition

Few changes have as much impact as the energy transition. How do we connect all these new renewable energy sources to the power grid? What backup do we choose? Will we not become too dependent on imported critical raw materials?

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Publieke dienstverlening challenge

'Human' government

Friction between expectation and practice

When people think about the future relationship between themselves and the government, they prefer to see a government that is honest, communicates understanding towards citizens and acts with a human touch, according to research commissioned by The National Ombudsman.

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Pensioensector challenge

The new pension contract

Prepared for drastic changes

What happens to all those pension contributions we have been paying for years? As a pension provider, how do I transform my business model to remain relevant and competitive in the future?

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Digitalisering challenge

Digitalisation and transformation

Ready for new opportunities

Rapidly succeeding technological and social developments require continuous adjustment of your organisation. Smart use of data and information sharing are crucial in this respect. To stay ahead of the competition, it is important to determine and implement the right digital strategy.

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Leiderschap challenge

Effective leadership

The value of the right person

The perfect leader does not exist. The right leader at the right time does. Effective leadership depends on what stage an organisation is in and what steps need to be taken to achieve ambitions.

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Cyber security challenge

Cyber security

Lock on the digital safe

A selection of recent headlines. A university has been down for days due to ransomware, the distribution centre of a food chain has been hacked after a digital break-in at a webshop, all customer data is out on the street, and power plants have experienced an increase in cyber attacks. What if your organisation faces one?

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