
Finance is the backbone of any organisation. Boer & Croon is regularly asked to optimise its clients' financial processes. The result is a significant improvement in efficiency and effectiveness.
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NEM Energy
Finance & Technology
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NEM Energy develops and delivers energy efficiency technologies and solutions. Boer & Croon were asked to ensure that the various entities within the group had better financial insight so that the CFO could better manage. Transparent processes for preparing financial reports were needed, including an outlook of the weekly expected cash position and reporting monthly results. However, this was difficult because NEM Energy sells products to their customers that are delivered on a project-by-project basis, thus creating a mismatch between the cash inflows and cash outflows of these projects, which are not simultaneous.

Moreover, the financial report preparation processes must be documented clearly, contributing to the complexity. With a more accurate understanding of the economic status and reporting of results, NEM's management can promptly take appropriate measures and compare the results with the existing budgets and forecasts.


Bruno started as an interim Financial Planning & Analysis Analyst, first studying the process of forecasting expected cash positions and reporting monthly results. He then began planning and coordinating financial reporting—this required close cooperation with the various entities within NEM Energy. Automating and documenting manual processes and current economic models improved efficiency and ensured process continuity. To achieve this, Bruno established clear manuals and procedures and enhanced monthly reports and comprehensive cash flow analyses.


After a short start-up period, Bruno explained the current financial models used in detail to the newly started Financial Planning & Analysis Manager. Then, after three months, they delivered the consolidated financial figures, successfully producing the monthly reports. By establishing processes and improving them where possible, Bruno ensured faster delivery of financial reports and improved data accuracy. The improved cash flow analyses allow management to make informed decisions based on solid financial data and forecasts. As a final part of his assignment, Bruno transferred responsibilities to an internal employee to effectively and sustainably secure the implemented processes within the organisation.