Michiel Overgaag is the new Director Public Solution at Boer & Croon

Michiel is socially driven to make public sector digital services for citizens and businesses more flexible, better and more sustainable. He is also keen to contribute to the simplification of major public themes such as the energy transition, security, affordable healthcare and mobility. Michiel not only gives advice, but also implements it together with the client. It is this last stage, in which the recommended ideas are realised, that gives him the greatest sense of satisfaction. This is one of the reasons why Michiel feels at home at Boer & Croon. After all, here the motto is: Get it Done!
Michiel: "My area of expertise is change management, supporting (digital) transformations in public sector organisations. As a consultant, programme or project leader, I help clients achieve long-lasting change. I mainly put this into practice at government executive organisations, such as the Netherlands Employees Insurance Agency (UWV), Tax and Customs Administration, CJIB and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), but also at local governments."
"I had a broad start; at Accenture I mainly advised corporate clients. After a project at the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, I switched from the practice for strategy consulting to public consulting. That was a good move for me, because I feel like a fish in the water with public agencies. I enjoy working for the public sector, in order to indirectly contribute to society. I also get a lot of gratitude and appreciation from the people that I work with on projects in the public sector. They appreciate the added value to the process or chain where I help them improve services."
"I like to give advice and then implement this advice myself, together with the client. That is how I got to know Boer & Croon. They are very strong in this and they are also appreciated for that. I like projects that entail roughly 20% consultancy work and 80% realisation. I think this is a good allocation. At Accenture, I was in the strategy club, and it was exactly the other way round. I would give advice and people from another department would go and implement it. Then I thought, in future, I would like to be involved in the realisation of things. Boer & Croon is primarily involved in projects that only end when everything is functioning as it should, so I should feel completely at home here."
"Boer & Croon has a solid reputation within the government and is currently expanding its consultancy practice for the Public Sector. So this is the perfect moment for me to step in and do my bit. I get the freedom to build something up here. For example, I have ideas about the efficient provision of services, digital innovation and technologies for large executive organisations, and at Boer & Croon I have a solid basis to develop them further.
"In my spare time, I like to go running. That helps me clear my mind and keeps me physically fit. It is a great way to leave all the daily worries behind. Every now and then, I run with a group of friends in events that really are a nice challenge for me, such as a half marathon, an obstacle run or a trail run. Or, like recently, a mudmasters run, with 36 obstacles that you have to climb over, with loads of mud and ditches you need to cross. I also love to cook and take the time to make something nice for family and friends. I also find it important that my three sons eat healthy."
Field of study
Michiel: "My area of expertise is transformation and change management, guiding organizational development and (digital) transformations at public organizations. In the role of advisor and partner, I help clients achieve sustainable change. Especially the public services of implementing organizations, such as Uitvoeringsorganisatie Herstel Toeslagen, Nationaal Coördinator Groningen, Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer, Belastingdienst Sociale Verzekeringsbank and Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, but also in higher education and local governments, have his attention and dedication.'
'I started broadly; at Accenture I advised mainly corporate clients. After a complex change program at the Dutch Tax Administration, I switched from the strategy consulting practice to public consulting. That was a good switch for me, because I feel like a fish in the water at public institutions. I enjoy working for the public sector and contributing indirectly to society. I also get a lot of satisfaction and appreciation from the people I work with in public change projects. They appreciate the added value to the process or the chain where I help them to improve service.'
At this moment
'Now I advise clients and government organizations from initiation to realization and remain involved in the task. We are appreciated for this within Boer & Croon. In the past year, we have further expanded the Public Consultancy and Interim Management practice within Boer & Croon. We have laid a good foundation for helping organizations in the public domain. In the coming period, the emphasis will be on deepening and further developing our Public propositions on digitalization, organizational & team development, and crisis management. I look forward to making my contribution to this as a partner.
Spare time
'In my spare time, I like to run. It helps me clear my head and keeps me physically fit. It's a good way to leave all the daily worries behind me. Every now and then, me and my running group go up for great challenges, like a half marathon, an obstacle run or a trail run. Or, like the other day, a mudmasters run, with 36 obstacles you have to climb over, with lots of mud and ditches you have to go through. I also love to cook and take the time to make some goodies for family and friends. It's also important to me that my three sons eat healthy.'