
Consortium with Boer & Croon wins BADI3 master agreement

We can get started!

With our partners (Deloitte, Strategy Unit, Shift Behaviour, SVP, SEO, Mott MacDonald, Advier and Mobycon), we will work together on future-proof mobility and transport systems. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has selected this consortium to provide policy advice and engineering services in this field over the next few years.
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Boer & Croon is thus part of a powerful team in which technical and financial knowledge, innovativeness, international experience and academic anchoring come together. Together, we work on various issues, such as spatial planning, innovative forms of mobility, broad welfare goals, traffic safety, administrative cooperation, and citizen participation. The Netherlands faces significant challenges in the coming years in keeping the country moving in a safe, sustainable, and affordable way.

Want to know more?

About Boer & Croon and our services in the public sector? If so, please contact Michiel Overgaag, Ben van der Hee or Robin Coester.